A little about us
My name is Mikel, and my wife’s name is Hannah (aka Hanky). We have 3 children ages 1 to 17. We currently live in Middle TN on almost an acre of land we are renting. I am a full time filmmaker among many other things at our family farm Hardison Mill and my wife is currently a stay at home mom.
Being born in the 80’s, my wife and I remember a time growing up when there were no cell phones, no internet, no gps, no amazon, etc… Now closing in our forties, with the world accelerating rapidly in technology that is meant to make our lives easier, yet it has somehow made them far more complicated, we have found ourselves longing for our younger years. What we believe was a simpler time.
So, we’ve decided to do what we can to have that. A simpler life. Some call it homesteading. We like to say, were keeping up with the times while trying to get back to our roots. Winding roots that is…
Combined with my background in AA, and the concept of sharing your story as a way to relate, uplift, inform and inspire, my wife and I have decided to share our winding journey together as we seek out a simpler lifestyle in this new frontier of modern day living.
I started a blog at the beginning of 2019 as a way to explore how to share my story. I was inspired by the people of alcoholics anonymous, my uncle Rory Feek, and many others who were touching lives simply sharing their own!
I started a YouTube channel in April of 2020 after asking a friend to help me make a video for our bakery. I had never used a real camera in my life or knew anything at all about making videos. I always assumed you had to have a college education or film school degree, thousands of dollars in equipment, producers, and so on, the way I had seen my uncle do on his show "The Joey & Rory Show."
While helping my friend with the videography side of the idea for the bakery, I realized it was possible for someone like me to potentially make videos. I became obsessed! And a few months later Covid hit and I had some time on my hands to learn!
I believed with enough hard work and effort it was possible for me to make really great videos some day.....and I fell completely in love with it!!!
We're not FAMOUS! But we enjoy sharing our lives, and the thought of some day making a living doing just that is pretty awesome!
So join us.